We have membership at Gateway Bible Church. Often, membership is seen as daunting and scary simply because it's an unknown and poorly understood covenant.
Yes, we said it - Covenant. What is a covenant?
A covenant is generally defined as “a written agreement or promise usually under seal between two or more parties especially for the performance of some action." Within the Scriptures, we find a number of examples of covenants, some between God and man (Genesis 6; Genesis 9; Genesis 15; Ezekiel 20; Hosea 2; Jeremiah 31; Matthew 26), while others are solely between men (1 Samuel 18, 2 Samuel 5).
Thus, in becoming a member, a person is acknowledging that they are entering into an agreement with this local body of believers. We are workers together for the glory of God and will do so with joy and with trust in one another (Zeph. 3:9, II Cor. 1:24).
At Gateway Bible Church, we recognize 4 broad principles of Church membership. They are:
- An Identification with Christ - We expect that everyone who becomes a member will be born again to new life in Christ Jesus and will be asked to give a testimony to give evidence to how Christ has become Lord of their life (Eph. 4:4-6).
- A Commitment to the Church - We expect that everyone who becomes a member will involve themselves in a basic commitment to the teachings of God's holy Scriptures and will recognize their obligation to use his or her abilities, spiritual gifts and resources in caring for one another and in reaching the lost (John 13:34-35, Gal. 5:13, Hebrews 10:24-25).
- Submission to Shepherding Care - We expect that everyone who becomes a member will recognize their responsibility for personal conduct and growth and recognize accountability to this local church through its duly appointed leadership and to support and encourage their pastors and elders so long as they lead in accordance with the Scriptures (Heb. 13:17).
- Responsibility to Church Purpose - We expect that everyone who becomes a member will recognize their obligation to share in the corporate discernment of God's will and harmonious fulfillment of the objectives and goals of this church (Eph. 4:11-16).
If you would like more information on membership and membership classes, please contact either Pastor Matt or Pastor Bryce.